Welcome to the Elementary School
Brandywine Heights Elementary School serves students in grades PreK-3, and offers curricula aligned with Pennsylvania Common Core academic standards. We are excited to offer supports to families in our district through our Birth-to-Five Early Childhood program, too! In partnership with the BCIU, we offer two PreK Counts programs in our building. We feature a team approach to meeting developmental and academic needs of our students. Currently we have five Kindergarten classrooms, five 1st grade classrooms, four 2nd grade classrooms, and four 3rd grade classrooms. Our grade level classrooms are located in a similar proximity for team sharing ideas and student enrichment. We also have three learning support classrooms, one autistic support classroom, and one behavioral support classroom. We provide reading and math intervention, as well as enrichment to those in need. In addition to our academic subjects, students have specials (explore (STEM), technology, physical education, art, music, and library) and receive instruction in each of the these areas once during each six day cycle. In technology, we are very proud that we are a 1:1 district. We have one device for every student/teacher. With the use of these iPads (K-2) and Chromebooks (3), the instruction and learning for our students is limitless. Our PTC is very active supporting our students and teachers. They meet at 6:30 PM the first Wednesday of each month in the Elementary Library.