Food Services


Elementary School Menu

Intermediate School Menu

Middle School Menu

High School Menu

Breakfast and lunch are available to all Brandywine Heights Area School District students. BHASD Food Service follows the National School Lunch Programs Regulations.

24-25 Meal Prices

Elementary & Intermediate:

Breakfast: FREE For All Students

Lunch $2.90/Reduced 0.00

Middle & High:

Breakfast: FREE For All Students

Lunch $3.15/Reduced 0.00

Per Pennsylvania School Code PL 187 Breakfast is free for all students until further notice.

How To Load Money Onto Your Children's Lunch Account

Log into your Infinite Campus account below:

On the left hand menu click on School Store

Then click on School/ Food Service Department/Load Cafeteria Funds.

From there you can load funds to a student account.


Account Balance/ Refund Request Form

Please fill out the Account Balance Request Form if a student has moved out of the district, graduated or if an online payment was made in error. You will have the option to request a refund, transfer funds to another student, or donate the remaining funds to help a student in need.

Graduating seniors: Account balances will automatically be transferred to sibling accounts.

Check refund requests will only be accepted up to 30 days after the students last day of school. Once the 30 days have passed, any positive balances will be automatically donated to help other students in need.

Please remember that check refunds can only be issued if the amount in the account is more than $5.

To fill out the request form please click the following link: Account Balance Request Form

Any questions or concerns may be directed to

Traditional Menu with Offer Vs Serve

Article (click here to read) – School Meals: A Nutritious Choice for Your Students! Food Service follows what is called a Traditional menu with Offer vs. Serve. This means that students are offered daily: 1 serving: Meat or meat alternate 1 serving: Fruit 1 serving: Vegetable 1 serving: Bread or bread alternate 1 serving: Milk A student needs to take at least 3 out of the 5 items listed, and one of the items must be a fruit or vegetable to qualify for a meal price. Extra items such as ice cream, bagged snacks, bottled water and beverages other than milk are not included in the price of the meal. The cafeteria uses cycle menus. The breakfast menu is for one week, and the lunch menu is a four-week cycle. In addition to the posted menu alternative meals are also available.

Point of Sale System

The Brandywine Heights Area School District uses a computerized Point of Sale payment system for all school meals and items purchased in the district’s cafeterias. Schoolcafe is an automated cafeteria check out system. The process for students purchasing their breakfast and lunch will be the same. A student will go through the lunch line, choose their food items, and when they proceed to the register, they will either enter their pin number (Student ID #) or swipe their ID card. No need for handling cash in the serving line. Every student will have their own personal meal account based on their current student ID number. Students can access their accounts on the PIN pads located at every register. Staff will help students become familiar with the process the first few weeks of school. If your child should forget their PIN number or misplace their ID, a food service staff member can access it through the register. Free/Reduced lunch information is securely contained within the system and the meal will be processed just as it is for all other students. Money in the child’s meal account at the end of the school year will be carried over to the next school year.

Summer Meals in Your Community

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires all School Food Authorities (SFAs) to inform families about the availability and location of free meals for students over the summer months through the Summer Food Service Program. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) offers free, nutritious meals to children 18 years and younger during the summer when school is not in session. SFSP is a federal child nutrition program. There are approximately 2500 locations throughout Pennsylvania that serve breakfast, lunch and /or snacks. Many of the locations provide activities as well. 

How to find a SFSP location near you: 

  • Call: 211or1.866.3HUNGRY or 1.877.8HAMBRE 

  • Text: 11FOOD11 or 11COMIDA11 to 877877 

  • Download: mobile app 

  • Visit: