Curriculum & Instruction
The Assistant to the Superintendent manages the Office of Curriculum and Instruction. Responsibilities include organizing and administering (1) the curriculum review process; (2) the selection of instructional materials; and (3) the alignment of district curricula with state and national academic standards.
The Assistant to the Superintendent oversees the development and implementation of instructional programs and the districtβs Strategic/Comprehensive Plan. In addition, he serves as the District Assessment Coordinator, is responsible for the administration of federal programs within the district, and ensures the delivery of professional development opportunities across the district. The Assistant to the Superintendent also supports the integration of technology into curricular programs and ensures the successful implementation of district technology initiatives.
The Office of Curriculum & Instruction is in the Central Administration Office, located within the Brandywine Heights Middle School. Office hours are M-F 8:00 am β 4:00 pm.
We are committed to the success of our students and welcome your questions and comments.