Dual Enrollment

What is Dual Enrollment?

Dual Enrollment is an opportunity for our high school students to earn college credit while a student in the High School.  Our students can either attend courses at the High School or on a college campus to earn credits that will be counted toward their post-secondary education. 

  • Please click the link HERE for a short visual presentation of the benefits of Dual Enrollment and how it is making a positive impact on our students and families. 

Financial Assistance is Available:

We are also excited to share with our families that for this school year and next school year, BHASD has been awarded a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education that allows the District to pay for Dual Enrollment credits for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.  Our School District was one of two Berks County Schools to earn this grant. 

  • For more information on this grant award, please view this ARTICLE from the Reading Eagle.

Important Info About Brandywine Heights:

Brandywine Heights High School is focused on providing strong opportunities for our students as they look to prepare for their next steps beyond graduation.  Dual Enrollment is among these opportunities, and we wanted to share this information with our community.  Earlier this month, US News and World Report released their ranking of high schools in the Commonwealth and although our ranking, which is based on data from the 2020-2021 school year, has significantly improved from previous years, we believe these rankings do not tell the absolute picture of a high school’s worth as a limited amount of information is utilized in created the rankings. 

Throughout this school year, we will be sharing points of pride such as our strong Dual Enrollment program, as a means of highlighting the amazing opportunities that are available to our students across all our buildings and programs.